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Andrew Thomas is a Chicago artist who graduated from the American Academy of Art in spring, 2019.  As a life drawing major, his inspiration comes from taking spontaneous snapshots and translating them into intimate portraits with graphite. Upon graduation, Andrew became a freelance portrait artist so he can help his clients preserve special moments with their friends and family.


Sometimes, simple methods can bring about the most profound results. With the use of graphite and a trained eye, I can translate snapshots into a more expressive image.

By filtering a snapshot into a monochromatic display, I gain precise insight into the subtle distinctions of the value within the image. I separate one value from another, and after sketching the general outline along with filling in the details of the desired image, I can then apply precise values onto the paper. I like to smooth out the hatching lines and pencil texture. I use a paintbrush to do this because it allows me to have a delicate touch when blending the marks. With the smooth textures and the distinctive values, I can bring life and intimacy to a generic snapshot.

My subjects are people  close to me who are in their comfort zones acting naturally in a memorable setting. These drawings of my most admired relatives, and of family gatherings become  important mementos for me. Through capturing these moments, I reflect on how much they are valued and how grateful I am to have them in my life. Family, comfortable settings and special occasions are what drive me to make my art. My hope is that this sense of valuing and treasuring family is communicated to viewers, and they can reflect upon the importance of family in their own lives.

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